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book for sale

Spatial Databases

Spatial Databases
Author(s) Rigaux; Scholl; Voisard
ISBN-10 1558605886
ISBN-13 9781558605886
List Price $71.95
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Comments about the book
Spatial Databases covers all of the major themes of the field -- representation,
query languages, computational geometry, spatial indexing -- using geographic
information systems as the principal application domain and motivation. It will make
an excellent introduction for computer science professionals and students interested
in exploring GIS, or for GIS professionals interested in learning more about the
computer science foundations of the field. The book is also an excellent guide to the
literature, with comprehensive bibliographic notes at the end of each chapter
Class Title
Spatial Database
School Name
san diego state university
Meeting Location
I can meet you in the school cafeteria or library
How to Buy
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