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found 819 books     (showing books 811 thru 819)
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Von der Landkarte zum GIS    Charles Warcup  
  ISBN 3980846342 post want ad  -  sell this book  

Working with Projections and Datum Transformations in ArcGIS    Werner Flacke,Birgit Kraus  
  ISBN 3980846350 post want ad  -  sell this book  

ArcGIS - ArcView 9 (Band 1)    Wolfgang Liebig; Rolf-Dieter Mummenthey  
  ISBN 3980846369 post want ad  -  sell this book  

ArcGIS - ArcView 9 (Band 2)    Wolfgang Liebig; Rolf-Dieter Mummenthey  
  ISBN 3980846377 post want ad  -  sell this book  

ArcGIS - ArcView 9 (Set: Band 1 und Band 2)    Wolfgang Liebig; Rolf-Dieter Mummenthey  
  ISBN 3980846393 post want ad  -  sell this book  

  ISBN 3980849317 post want ad  -  sell this book  

  ISBN 3980849325 post want ad  -  sell this book  

  ISBN 398084935X post want ad  -  sell this book  

ArcGIS-ArcView Personal-Geodatabase - Praktische Einf [ isbn 9783981045307 ]    Liebig, Wolfgang  
  ISBN 3981045300 post want ad  -  sell this book  
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