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1 rubric Event Management Presentation       popup preview  
Assessment Planning

Grade levels:   Grad  
2 rubric Article Assessment--Feature/Sports/News/Entertainment       popup preview  
This rubric is to be used to assess a student's final copy of any article that is not classed under Humor or Opinion.

Grade levels:   Grad  
3 rubric Article Assessment--Feature/Sports/News/Entertainment       popup preview  
This rubric is to be used to assess a student's final copy of any article that is not classed under Humor or Opinion.

Grade levels:   Grad  
4 rubric Article Assessment--Feature/Sports/News/Entertainment       popup preview  
This rubric is to be used to assess a student's final copy of any article that is not classed under Humor or Opinion.

Grade levels:   Grad  
5 rubric Marketing Plan Group Project Presentation       popup preview  
Evaluation criteria for Group Marketing Plan Presentation

Grade levels:   Grad  
6 rubric Marketing Research Project       popup preview  
Students will be divided into groups. Each group will select a rural city and conduct an analysis of product description.

Grade levels:   Grad  
7 rubric Project Proposal or Planning Rubric       popup preview  
A rubric for choice-based projects where students are tasked to determine the details and parameters of a project based on a general direction made by the teacher. This rubric may be applied to individual or group proposals, research project proposals, or projects that require planning or project development.

Grade levels:   Grad  
8 rubric Website Evaluation       popup preview  
Evaluation of "How to Guide" website created by students. Students were to use an online website creator tool to create an informative website that explains a procedure.

Grade levels:   Grad  
9 rubric Website Evaluation       popup preview  
Evaluation of "How to Guide" website created by students. Students were to use an online website creator tool to create an informative website that explains a procedure.

Grade levels:   Grad  
10 rubric Journal Article Summary       popup preview  
Summaries and critiques are two ways to write a review of a scientific journal article. Both types of writing ask you first to read and understand an article from the primary literature about your topic. The summary involves briefly but accurately stating the key points of the article for a reader who has not read the original article. The critique begins by summarizing the article and then analyzes and evaluates the author’s research.

Grade levels:   Grad  

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