rubric gallery
features & benefits
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Use iRubric to build rubrics and access them from anywhere, create grade books and use rubrics for easy grading,
distribute rubrics to students, and much more .
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Build Rubrics
Repurpose existing rubrics or build one from scratch with iRubricTM rubric builder.
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Gradebook integration
If a rubric is attached to a coursework, teachers can open the rubric directly from the gradebook for grading.
A student's submission and the scored rubric are linked together for easy reviewing.
Click2GradeTM technology
Using our pioneering Click2GradeTM technology, you can quickly and consistently grade online.
Scores are automatically calculated and entered into your online gradebook.
Manage Rubrics
Manage all your rubrics in a single place complete with a pop-up view and short cuts to related rubric activities.
Share rubrics
Contribute your rubrics to our Rubric GalleryTM for sharing with other teachers.
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Print rubrics
Print rubrics using different print settings. Conveniently see print preview and the settings in the same page.
Collaborative assessment
iRubric allows collaborative assessment by multiple assessors, or use this feature for collecting data and taking surveys.
Analyze assessment results
View and analyze assessment results and statistics in real time as graded rubrics are collected.
Rubric categories
Rubrics are conveniently categorized by subjects, types and grade levels.
Search rubrics
Use our search tool to search for rubrics using keywords, etc.
Bookmark rubrics
Bookmark favorite rubrics, add your comment and save them to your list of favorite rubrics.
Showcase rubrics
Teachers can showcase their rubrics in their personal faculty website.
Rubrics discussion board
Use the built-in discussion board to discuss about the rubric with other rubric users.
Link and embed rubrics
Rubrics can be linked from other web pages or embedded into other web pages.
Test drive rubrics
iRubric allows anyone to try a rubric and see the scores. It's a good way for students to self-evaluate their work
prior to submission.
More about iRubric in our knowledgebase...